A review by lavoiture
The Lazarus Project by Aleksandar Hemon


Jonathan Safran Foer did it better in Everything is Illuminated.

I will clearly never be a book reviewer or someone who chooses books for the National Book Award, because I found The Lazarus Project to be tedious and over-written. Too many descriptions with words that didn't quite fit, a narrator that bored me to tears, and a story line that was just...well, boring! Plus, the whole sometimes-I'll-use-quotation-marks-and-sometimes-I-won't thing drove me insane. Why, Aleksandar Hemon? Just be consistent! I couldn't figure out the pattern. Anyway, I would prefer to give it 2.5 stars...and give up my dream of being a book critic for the NYTimes. This and Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri--both books were very well received by critics and I couldn't stand either one!