A review by dannimaxwellbabcock
Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen


*I was given this book in e-book form through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review*

I went into this without really remembering the synopsis of the book, so it was like going in blind. Part of me wishes I had reread it so I knew what I was going into. It's about Regan Flay who is one of the popular girls of the school she attends who tries to be perfect to keep her overly controlling politician mother happy. But then her private messages are shared with the entire school, so every single lie, and every little manipulative thing she's ever done becomes exposed. So she goes from the popular girl to the one everyone hates, and now the only person who will even give her the time of day is her ex- best friend's brother, Nolan. And while he thinks he knows how she's feeling and what she's going through, he really doesn't. No one knows that she's breaking apart at the seams under her mother's constant pressure to be perfect. Everything happens like a chain reaction, and this was just the beginning.

So originally going into this I felt like it was just a stereo typical story where the popular girl gets outed, she gets hated and realizes she was wrong for doing the things she did, she changes and everyone loves her again. It felt like it was going that way; and part of me wanted to stop reading. But I still felt like I needed to read more than just a few chapters before I could give an honest review on it. So I forged on and actually read the entire book.

While I will say it did feel very cliché in the hated aspect with everyone hating her and bullying/picking on her because they realize what she's done, I feel like it took on an original point of view too because Regan was also struggling with the pressures of being a politician's daughter and having to try and be perfect because of that. She was also struggling with anxiety issues.

I liked that the author wasn't afraid to be brutally honest and she wasn't afraid to use curse words (especially f-bombs). I liked that the main character wasn't just a typical popular girl that every novel seems to have who seems like they can do no wrong, we actually got to see inside her head and got to see that popular people don't always have it easy like they're depicted in most books. And I felt like through out the whole book I was silently begging for things to just look up for once for the main character.

Regarding Nolan, I felt that there was something going on with him from the very beginning because he never talked much to Regan before this and then all of the sudden he does?

SpoilerI also predicted that it was going to be Blake who was going to mess things up just before things were about to be an almost happy ending, and I was right.
And I really liked that the ending happened the way it did. I was very pleased with how it all turned out.

Overall, after having some issues getting over the clichés and stereo types, I still felt like it was still a really good read and I enjoyed it. I gave it 3.5 stars. :)