A review by vivianne
Teach Me to Forget by Erica M. Chapman


Contains spoilers!

I’ve been postponing to read this book for about half a year now. It came in an subscription box and I’ve never found it interesting to read. I don’t like reading about suicide and it felt like I could already predict the ending with an overhanging romance. But since I’ve been really in a mood to shorten my tbr and this only has 287 pages it seemed like the right time.

The first pages were really bland for me I didn’t like that I didn’t understand why she wanted to commit suicide. Later in the book I did understood why the author made this delay because it created a certain kind of tension, since I wanted to know so bad why and it kept me reading. But the beginning was just not that great because I didn’t connect with Ellery and I found that she made stupid decisions like with the gun. Later in this book the plot did pick up a little but overall I found this book a little slow. It wasn’t boring but it just lacked a little more action or something, I didn’t expect this book to be focused that much on the romance.

The writing style was okay. It was ok enough for this type of book and easy enough to follow. But sometimes I felt like it wasn’t descriptive enough probably one of the reasons why this book is so short. I don’t know how half the people look, the houses, the town, the school? It did make this book a quick read but for such an emotional book sometimes things didn’t come across in the way the author meant it, I think. Going into this book I expected to cry way more and I did only once actually and that was the first grave yard scene.
Okay don’t get me wrong but I still don’t understand Ellery’s decision to commit suicide. I understand that it’s a tragic loss about her sister and I understand that she feels guilty but I don’t understand that that’s something to lose your own life over. I mean she still has friends, people to life for; her mom and Jackson. I mean she loves singing and psychology. Why not do something with these hobbies? Some suicides I do understand when your home situation sucks, when your depressed and when your bullied on school, I understand because you don’t have someone to talk to or a safe place to be (not saying suicide is ok, but these situations I can understand). But in this case she has a friend she can talk to, she has an okay enough bond with her mom, she has a safe home, her school situation is ok and she has an future. And at first I thought maybe Ellery is depressed, because of some sentences like “happy Ellery laughs”. But I didn’t really believe that, because her thoughts where sarcastic and funny and almost happy at some points and she didn’t seem depressed.

I also didn’t understand that when the gun didn’t work why she went back to the store, why not swallow a hand full of pills or jump from a building. If you want to die that bad? Why go to all the trouble of waiting for a special date and a special place?

These above points made me not understand Ellery and that made that I didn’t connect with her. And for this category book I really think that was necessary, I wanted to crawl into the main characters skin and become her in this situation, but that didn’t happen.
I really appreciate the friendships in this book. I liked Janie, and Jackson and Colter, but also Dean. I love the clique that forms at the ending of this book, and I really liked to read about when they hung out.

The ending was way too predictable. And can I just say that looking back on this story this book was a little bit corny. A girl in trouble and this guy just comes along and saves her, and they fall in love..