A review by kellswitch
For One Week Only: The World of Exploitation Films by Richard S. Meyers


I'm not really a fan of the exploitation film genre but I find them and their culture fascinating so I always find books about them at least interesting.
Overall this book is pretty slight in any significantly detailed coverage of what makes up exploitation films but it does cover a large variety of films and I did find the descriptions of each at least intriguing and I did enjoy how he made some connections between such different topics as actors, writers, producers and themes with each movie and never really seemed to repeat himself.
As is my usual with books such as this, I wish there had been more photos but I did enjoy how each section had poster art from the movies as their front pages.
This book may be best for fans of the genres who are more interested in a casual reference book than for those looking to really delve into and understand the draw and appeal of movies such as this.