A review by lolasreviews
Hunt by Rachel Vincent


I was really excited for this novella which starts the new spin-off series Wildcats. I do think this story adds something to the main story and it relevant it wasn't as good as I expected. Something happened that threw me off a bit and I couldn't figure out why this was happening it didn't make sense for the characters to do that, only towards the end of the story you find out their motivation and then it finally made sense. It just bothered me up till that point and it prevented me from enjoying it as much. It did surprise me when the truth came out and I realized what was going on and what these people had done, it was disgusting, but it did explain their behaviour.

It's not a fun story, it's pretty harsh and dark and while that's part of this series I didn't expect the short story to only focus on this. Towards the end some things happen that I assume will impact the events of Lion's Share, so I think it's handy to read this short story.

The short story is pretty short and I couldn't get a good feel for Abby, but she seems like a nice main character. She still deals with ghosts from her past, but you do notice she has grown and she makes a decision in this story that might not be the wisest, but I did like she decided to do this even though she was scared. There are also some hints dropped about Faythe training Abby, so it was fun to hear about Faythe already and see how she had helped Abby. I also liked when Jace made an appearance towards the end and it's already clear that Abby likes him.

There's not much world building in this book, so I think it's necessary to read the Shifters series first if you want to know more about the world. I wouldn't recommend reading it out of order, although I guess it is possible if you really want to, but you miss a piece of background as it doesn't et explained in detail here.

To conclude: this was a short story that set up the stage for the first book Lion's Share. The events in this book confused me a bit until the end when things did make sense. I am curious to see how these events impact the story in Lion's Share though and it was a nice set up, it was a bit darker then I expected.