A review by loadsofbooks
The Love Rematch by Kay Marie


I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This book was super heart warming and perfect for lovers of reality TV dating shows.

The protagonist, Emily's, life takes a very unexpected turn when her mother's plea on national TV to find her daughter a boyfriend goes viral. In a matter of hours Emily goes from small business owner to the the star of a reality TV dating show. What she doesn't know is that her ex-boyfriend Jake, who broke her heart, is set to be the producer on the show. To Emily, this is perfect revenge as he has to watch her date 30 different men. But she still hasn't gotten the closure she needs to move on, and she doesn't know but Jake is still in love with her.

Emily's relatable and loving persona steal the spotlight of the book. Her journey unfolds as she navigates her way through fame, love and second chances.
The author has put great effort into the depth of the characters and they each have their own quirks and motivations making the story captivating and engaging from start to finish.

The dual POV are significant in captivating the reader. Unlike other dual POV books, the author uses this technique extremely well and offers deeper insights in both Emily and Jake's past, thoughts, feels and perspectives on the scenes that take place. This definitely enhanced the emotional connection between the reader and the character.

Even though it is a rom-com in it's own right, the book dives deeper and explores emotional struggles and heartbreaks. It's not all fluffy romance, it's real life. Kay Marie is very talented to be able to balance humour and light-hearted moments with some raw and gut wrenching truths.

From the get go the chemistry between Emily and Jake is palpable. From watching them interact for the first time in years and also interacting more intimately further into the story, we see vulnerability, growth and unresolved feelings tug at the readers heartstrings and egging them on to admit their feelings for one another.

This book is definitely suited for romance and reality TV fans. It was amazing!