A review by togidemi
The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett


i don't know why it took me this long to get started on discworld, but there we go

Okay, I'm going to sum up my feelings for this book, positive and negative, in one statement: the whole book reads like an adaptation of a tabletop campaign. Which, yeah, is the point, but still.

Very clever and unique worldbuilding, and even more clever writing. (Sir Pratchett's writing style was a little too quirky for me at first, but once I got used to it, I couldn't get over how sharp and witty he gets. Like damn. How aren't more authors this entertaining with JUST their prose??)

But there was practically no structure or character development throughout the story. It's entirely a series of wacky hijinks flowing from one to the other. Fortunately "Wacky Hijinks" is my middle name and also my only GMing strategy, so I was down, but the cranky novel reader in me who craves ORDER and RESOLUTION was a bit disappointed.