A review by veronica87
A Drop of Red by Chris Marie Green


************Spoilers for 1st three books**********************

This book starts the next trilogy story arc in the Vampire Bayblon series and it picks up one year after the end of the third book. Dawn and crew, having destroyed the vampire Underground in Hollywood (the story arc for the first trilogy), have moved on to London where Costin has sensed the presence of another Master. This series still remains a two star product to me, though I can't quite pinpoint why. Maybe because it's because I just haven't wholeheartedly attached to any of the characters yet, which you'd think would've happened by the fourth book in. But the pacing seems woefully slow at times too, so that's a factor.

The whole Costin/Jonah thing is weird, and made even weirder since Costin and Dawn are involved. I should find it more interesting since it's a "triangle" (though not really) that I've not seen before, but I don't. At this point I think I'm just hanging in there with this series to see how and if Costin completes his quest to win final peace for his soul.