A review by billmorrow
The Innocents by Ace Atkins


This one didn't work for me. Being the sixth book in a series, you'd expect some history and backstory to be included. You'd also expect to be clued in as to what that history is. That didn't happen here. There were subplots weaving through the book that appear to set the stage for something in a future book but did little to advance the main plot.

The main crime didn't take place until about a third of the way through the book. Not too many chapters later, it's fairly obvious who done it and why. The only suspense comes from how the perp will get caught.

Ace Atkins is a competent writer but his use of pop culture references to set a scene is frustrating. If you don't know the movie, show, or song, the feeling or mood he tries to convey gets lost. It becomes filler and there was far too much filler in this otherwise good book.