A review by lillian_francis
Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex by Brian Michael Bendis, Javier Garrón, Mike Mayhew, Mahmud Asrar, Sam Humphries, Paco Medina, David Baldeón, Valerio Schiti, John Layman, Andrea Sorrention, Ed McGuinness, Kelly Sue DeConnick, David López, Gerry Duggan


I think in the most part this was closer to a 4 than a 3.
Things I liked:
Bobby Drake and Groot.
The return of young Scott.
My first meeting of new Nova.
Peter & Kitty.
Some of the artwork.
Things I didn't like:
Some of the artwork.
What have you done to my Angel?
F*%king Jean Gray (nothing new there then).