A review by bookhoarder76
Bound South by Susan Rebecca White


If you know me at all you know I HATE to put a book in the DNF pile but this one is going in there faster than you can blink! I gave it a good honest try and read almost a third of it but after looking at reviews (which I tend to not do prior to starting a book because everybody is different) and seeing that they are pretty much saying the same thing as I was feeling I decided enough time wasted! Giving it 2 stars since I liked ONE character (the mother Louise) and chapter 1. The first chapter was my favorite then it just all went down hill from there! It was VERY confusing the way it was written and at times I wondered if it was written by two totally different people the chapters were so vastly different. I was bored out of my mind more times than not and the youngest main character Missy got on my last nerve. I just can't take it I'm done time to move on. First and possibly last book by Susan Rebecca White for me.