A review by smuttea_matcha
Death Sworn by Leah Cypess


Ileni wasn't what I really expected. She's a sorceress with depleting powers sent to her death/exile, which is to act as the sorceress tutor to a guild/league of assassins. She's bold because she's accepted her inevitable death and she's pretty boring. All Ileni complains about is her lack of powers and the what-if she did have her powers. I was hoping Ileni would prove to be something more.
SpoilerWhich I guess she did when she killed Irun.
I feel like she had so much more potential to be something. Maybe we'll see that in book 2? I also feel like Cypess didn't focus enough on world building. I wanted to understand why Ileni was losing her powers. I feel like Cypess relied on the explanation that she simply just did, that's how powers worked. I don't know.

Everyone in the guild/league of assassins is horrible. They all believe in the master.
SpoilerIt was actually pretty cool that Ileni kills him. She's doing them all a favor anyway.
I mean I wasn't a fan of Sorin either. Sure, he's bad ass, but that's it. Overall, I wasn't a huge fan of this book. Was it entertaining? Yes, but I don't know if it's something I'd recommend.