A review by blazeofredfiree
The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter


- I finished this in like…. 3/4 days? I have thoughts.
- the title is a little misleading. This is not about dragons- they feature a little but only as a really small subplot. I thought this would bother me (if I’m promised dragons I want dragons) but it actually didn’t because the book was great even without the dragons!
- the world was built really well. It was pretty horrible yet believable (the author definitely did his research) and… uuurgh some of its not very fun to think about.
- the main character is a product of the world and was written brilliantly! That does not mean I like him… he is realistic, not likeable and has plentiful flaws. He’s impulsive, aggressive and makes some terrible decisions. I found myself almost speaking out loud to the book… “oh no, don’t do that. Please don’t do that.” But his goals and story is so engaging to read about even if it is frustrating!!
- a different spin on dragons- one which I wish I’d seen more of but was brilliant anyway.
- the magic system was also really interesting and I hope to see more of iit explained in the next book!
- the most interesting thing about this for me was the antagonist. Or rather the abundance of them. Pretty much everyone does morally questionable things at some point (especially the main character), although there is a main
, clear antagonist by the end of the book, there isn’t one for most of it and it’s great! Everyone except for Zuri. She’s the best.
- the combat scenes were brilliant- so alive and vivid even if it sometimes made me mentally squirm a little.
- can’t wait for the next one!