A review by ronimac74
Thought I Knew You by Kate Moretti


I go back and forth......3 stars or 4 stars. I finally decided on 4 stars for a few reasons, a) this book kept my interest I kept telling myself one more chapter, just one more chapter when clearly I should have been asleep, however I couldn't seem to turn the pages fast enough to tell me what I wanted to know. b) I really felt that the story was going to end differently and for that reason alone, seeing as the author pulled a fast one on me I felt that yes I did enjoy this story and I appreciated the way it was told and how the events all came together. I was able to feel emotions through the characters and often I found myself either on their side or not on their side. I look forward to reading the short spin off novella of this novel and hope that it may shed some more light on one of it's main characters.