A review by lizaroo71
Looking for Mary: Or, the Blessed Mother and Me by Beverly Donofrio


This is all about Donofrio's search for faith. She lost it somewhere along the way of her life of being a single mother.

She intersperses her chapters about her pilgrimage to Medjugorje with the mistakes she has made in raising her son. As she searches for something to believe in, this pilgrimage helps her to forgive herself and seek forgiveness from her adult son.

At the end of each chapter is a story about the Virgin Mary. I found it all to be quite informative.

This is a quick read and one that offers some interesting accounts of seeking solace in religion. I have always had images of the Virgin Mary around my house growing up; To pray to her never seemed unusual to me. So Donofrio's story interested me because her search for faith is germane to finding peace in her relationship with her son and herself.