A review by livres_de_bloss
The Mitford Trial by Jessica Fellowes



Compared to previous instalments, this had very limited Mitford content and was more police procedural/courtroom drama than I was expecting.

The focus was also mostly on Guy which wasn’t great. I find Guy really tedious so switching from Louisa as MC to Guy was disappointing. Even Louisa wasn’t on top form; I liked her as a character in previous books but found her lying and refusal to communicate frustrating.
Spoiler I find the marital-problems-because-of-lack-of-communication-between-partners infuriating and this book had it in spades. We hear so much about how Guy and Louisa are So iN lOvE but I don’t have see any evidence of that; in fact, I’d say they’re pretty ill-suited!
None of the characters had any real sparkle to them and the story itself required some pretty heavy suspension of disbelief as it went on. Despite a relatively slow story, the ending was abrupt and rushed. The time jumps at the end were a bit jarring.

I started out really enjoying this series but it feels a little driftless now with Louisa out of the Mitford’s employ and the girls growing up so quickly. I don’t know how the author will be able to continue to thread between the Mitford and Louisa when they’re being taken in different directions. If these turn into mass market police procedurals, it’s going to be really disappointing. This instalment felt so “phoned in”.