A review by charshorrorcorner
Goblins by David Bernstein


Horror After Dark is currently giving away a copy of Goblins here:
And my friend and colleague, Paul, reviewed it here:

This book was a lot of fun! Just looking at that cover, you know you're going to be in for a good time. The goblins in the book are a LOT scarier than that rather tame fellow you're looking at now.

The best way to describe this book is B-Movie fun. We've got our historical setting-Roanoke Island. (Best remembered for its colony of missing folk. Mr. Bernstein answers the age old question of whatever happened to them, and the answer is not pretty.) We have a group of children as targets. We have lots of gory, inventive deaths and a sheriff as a humble hero, just trying to save lives. All the B movie pieces are here, so let the fun begin!

My one problem with this story was the pacing. For the most part, we jumped from one gory scene to another, (which is fine,and what I expected and enjoyed most about the book, because these scenes were extremely creative and imaginative and I admire that!), but preceding just about every one of them was a bunch of background information. To me, this slowed down the action. I normally like well developed characters, but in a Creature Feature type of book, not so much. I felt like I was wasting time learning about them because they were just going to die anyway. Other than that rather small irritation, this book was a boatload of fun!

Recommended to fans of Creature Features and B Grade Movies!

*I received a free e-copy of Goblins in exchange for an honest review. This is it.*