A review by the1germ
Asimov's Science Fiction July/August 2021 by Sheila Williams


Picked this up for the Megan Lindholm (aka Robin Hobb) novelette "Giving Up the Ghost". Another Celtsie urban fantasy, set in Tacoma, WA. Celtsie's pet boarding house is haunted by a pretty gruesome looking ghost-dog that seems to want to tell her something.

I really enjoyed it. I'm a big animal lover, and I related a lot with Celtsie's misgivings about ever having a dog again (despite loving them) - their lives are too short, and often end in tragedy. As most pets do, I suppose, but there's something about dogs that's particularly gutting. Still, they're awfully persistent once they've chosen you.

Will likely sample the other stories at a later date, but for now marking this as "done".