A review by lilbalzac
The Ice Cream Man and Other Stories by Sam Pink



Is it sad that controversy is good for exposure? At any rate, I found out about Sam Pink after reading about the FUCCBOI drama that I’m still largely unsure about. On the one hand, I do strongly believe that you can “steal” someone’s style, someone’s stories and their likeness in general. But I also think that we are all made up of the stories we read and influenced the world around us so are we all just not stealing from each other? I guess it’s similar to the Cat Person dilemma which also left me confused (as we all should be).

Anyway, i’m excited to be more Sam Pink because I feel like he portrays the working class in a way that’s actually reflective of the real people in the world. There’s no pandering there’s no overly political messaging, it’s just what it is. I like that and it feels worthwhile and entertaining and real. I’ll be reading more :)