A review by sallyavena
Dangerous by Shannon Hale


So this was little more sci-fi than I prefer and the other thing I didn't like was that it seemed like she was trying to do the YA lit (she pushed the envelope a little bit further than I would be comfortable with when calling it middle grade, but not as far as some YA lit that I've read), but her 'voice' seemed more middle grade. The reason I say this is that it isn't a clean book, in that I would let my 11 year old read it...I would even think twice about letting my 13 year old boy read as well because of the romantic/relationship aspect of the book, but it seemed more juvenile than even her Princess Academy books when it came to the voices of the characters. Interesting story line if it's your thing, but I would pre-read it before you let your tween read it for sure.