A review by daftstephi
Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever by Terry Grossman, Ray Kurzweil


I chose to read this book based on TedTalks I watched by Ray Kurzweil. Not only because of his focus on transhumanism but also the topic of this book, the TRANSCEND program. It is a guide to improve your health and wellbeing for a longer life. Each letter of TRANSCEND is mnemonic:

Talk to your doctor
Calorie Reduction
New Technologies

I recommend this book to anyone interested in topics like the Mediterranean, Blue Zone types of diets. Kurzweil's ideas about transhumanism are also found here as New Technologies. Which is a nice addition when looking towards the future. This book is very practical. I appreciate how thorough the book is and at the same time it is digestible, as in easy to read. I think it will be easy to put some of it's guidance to use.