A review by sonnetical
The Gypsy Moth Summer by Julia Fierro


Hm, what to say?

I read this because a friend mentioned this was her favorite and I truly wanted to read it then and there and find out what she liked about this book that has such a dreamy title.

I liked Julia Fierro's narrative style, her prose was easy to understand although a little vague at times. There were memorable characters like Veronica and Brooks. There were characters which seemed too flat and were left undeveloped. I did like how she shows the gap between people's perspectives and their understanding of how the world goes on. The relationships were portrayed with the rawness that you find in them in reality. However, the ending felt too forced and rushed. Too open-ended, perhaps. A lot happened towards the end and it seemed so fast paced all of a sudden.

All in all, it was a nice read. It had its flaws but there were things to like as well.