A review by rmarcin
The Free by Willy Vlautin


The Free follows three people as they struggle through situations in their life, dealing with various issues: PTSD, a failing economy, drug abuse, runaways, medical care, and the toll the issues take. Beautifully written.
First is Leroy, an Iraqi war veteran who tries to commit suicide. While in the hospital, he has vivid dreams about his girlfriend, Jeanette. His mother, Darla, sits vigil at his side reading him science fiction novels.
Next is Freddie who works two jobs to try to stay afloat. Freddie works in the group home where Leroy resides. He finds Leroy after the suicide attempt. Freddie also works at a paint store, where the owner, a religious zealot, does nothing to keep the store a success. If it weren’t for Freddie, the store would fail. Freddie needs money because his youngest daughter has a medical issue, and his wife has left him. Now, Freddie is in danger of losing his house in addition to losing his family.
Finally, Pauline is a nurse at the hospital caring for Leroy, as well as a teenage runaway, Jo. Pauline becomes super involved with Jo, and tries to rescue Jo. Pauline also cares for her own father who doesn’t bathe or eat without Pauline’s influence.