A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
City of Hooks and Scars by Estelle Laure


I read the first book when it was released and it's been a while. I have to admit that looking back on it, the book didn't leave that much of an impression, but Laure was very helpful and added a lot of reminders helping me to regain all my memories of the first book. And I needed them. Especially because a lot happened in the finale of the first book and the details were all of a sudden getting important in the investigation and chase.

I don't know if it's simply because this wasn't the right moment to read this book or because I was tired and had some issues concentrating, but I had a hard time really enjoying this book. And although I'm absolutely willing to put the blame on me, there is a part of me thinking that the book is to blame too. Mostly because the book seems to suffer from the famous middle book syndrome: Not that much is happening, apart from getting our character from the end of the first book to start of the third.

Our heroine needs this book to learn everything there is to learn and to eventually make the right decision. Or the wrong one, depending on how you look at things. I have to admit that the amount of information, and especially the fact that loads of stories contradict each other a little, is quite overwhelming at times and it doesn't help to really get into the story. There was not much action and yet there was still a little too much going on.

Just like I really missed the characters we've grown to love so much in the first book. Don't get me wrong, our heroine and her partner in crime are amazing people to read about, but I did miss James, I did miss linking all those storylines to the villains we eventually get to know, I did miss the Disneyvillain vibe. The finale of the book, which wasn't that action packed either, promises a lot of that in the next book though, so I'm excited!