A review by lunalibro
Winterspell by Claire Legrand


Okay....soooooo I finished this book around 6 a.m. and I have a lot of thoughts and feelings I need to let out before I explode. If it doesn't make sense I'M SORRY T_T!

My friend, Liza, and I read this book as a read-a-long book...and well...Here are my feelings while reading this book expressed through GIFs!




So you guys can probably tell that I really really did not enjoy the book. What SUCKS is that I had high high high hopes for this book because it was not only blurbed by one of my favorite authors, Marissa Meyer, but, I was hooked at the beginning! Unfortunately, the more I read the book, pretty much everything just spiraled downhill for me. I will first start off with Clara, the main character. At first I felt really bad for her because of the situation she was in with her family and what not, but, she became so ANOOOOOOYING!!! Her reactions..... SOOOO FRUSTRATING!

The next issue I had was with how the author handled sexuality. The scenes where Clara describes how her clothes felt good on her body or when she describes how she would rub against the statue in a sexually manner, it became almost too much for me (and I read plenty of romance novels where those kinds of descriptions are common too! >.<) This is literally my face when I read those parts

The third issue was the world building. I had a very difficult time constructing a solid image in my head of the world. For example, while I was reading the confrontation in the ballroom at Clara's house, I was so confused! I couldn't make sense of the action that was going on even though I would read the passage a couple of times.

The fourth issue I have is with Nicholas. I honestly thought Nicholas would have been my favorite character in the book. BUT, he does something INCREDIBLY STUPID!
SpoilerOnce he finds out Clara has mage blood, he decides to try to manipulate her to fight for him out of anger *slams head on desk*
After that, he also became just as annoying to me as Clara. LE SIGH

Out of all my issue with this book, the end kind of made things slightly better. The final battle was action packed and people were actually dying left and right (good way to portray the brutality of war).
SpoilerDrosslemeyer died from his injuries and that scene actually broke my heart
It was the one part that kept me interested in turning the pages.

I really don't know why I committed to finishing this book even though I had A LOT of issues with it. Maybe I just like torturing myself T_T. I think that's all I have to say about this book (it feels great venting out my feelings about a book XD)

Final thoughts: Read/Pass