A review by asylumteaparty
Dreams of the Dead by Christopher Golden


Reading this book was like reading a japanese horror movie. The book had that same feeling of something lurking just outside of your peripheral vision but at the same time the story had that muted feel. The story wasn't over-excagerated and I liked the main character. Kara and her father has just moved to Japan and she starts a new school. She finds it hard to be the only foreign student at her school, but she makes friends with a few of the people there. What I really liked about this book was how normal Karas reactions was. When she found out that her new friends might know more about what was going on, but that they didn't want to tell her about this, since they didn't know her that well yet. Kara just accepted this. She didn't put up a fight or demand to be told, she just saw things as they were. The only issue I had with this book was that I had trouble finding some parts of it creepy because I like cats to much and can't look at them like anything but cuddly softies.