A review by booksy_tx_ana
The Curse Keepers by D.G. Swank


Omg love! It’s mythical fantasy, it’s adventurous, and it’s romance! This is the first fantasy-based book from Denise Grover Swank for me. I’ve read two others that were more crime mystery romances. But damn, she did not disappoint! The curse that brings them together and ultimately apart is the basis of their story and their lives. You root for them in relationship scenes and in closing the gates. But I was waiting and waiting for the hypothetical other shoe to drop with Collin! They are enemies and lovers, as Ellie doesn’t know if she can trust him. Then, in the end, your heart breaks, and she has a whole new problem to solve. The end is semi-TBC. The main problem with the gates is resolved, but Ellie is left with a new curse-related problem to handle.

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I received this arc in exchange for a honest review.