A review by jaimereadsromance
The Charmer in Chaps by Julia London


I really enjoyed this first book in a new series introducing us to the Prince siblings. Ella and Luca's story was an opposites attract/unrequited crush story with good pacing, fun banter, and a well-rounded story. 

I really like the slow but steady progression of the friendship between Luca and Ella and how Luca was the one who was doing most of the chasing. Though I don't always love the whole former manwhore turned loyal lover storyline, I did enjoy getting to know Luca and seeing that he was so much more than his reputation. His secret was a surprise and one that I'm actually still unsure exactly how I feel about it. Not that there was anything wrong with it but I struggle with the way his family dealt with it and how well he was able to hide it for so long. I adore that he took things into his own hands and stepped up to make the changes necessary to feed his passion for land conservation as well as being not just open to settling down with Ella, but actively pursuing it when she wasn't so open to the idea.

 I wish that Ella hadn't listened so much to everyone around her about how she and Luca were too different to ever be able to make it. I understand that realistically their difference did need to be acknowledged but her friends weren't very tactful with the way they constantly reminded her. Her insecurities were valid and I totally understood why they were holding her back from really letting go with Luca but it was frustrating none-the-less.

 At times the book did seem to drag a little bit for me. I appreciated the chapters were we got to see Luca's family's point of view because it helped me to not completely dislike his mother but at times it just felt unnecessary to the story. 

I was already looking forward to Hallie and Nick's stories a third of the way into this one. I can't wait to read more about the Prince family! 

*I received an early copy from the publisher for voluntary review