A review by ineslts
Our Dark Duet by V.E. Schwab


I remember starting Our Savage Song hopeful for the story ahead. I remember that despite it's setting and all the monsters, I loved every step that brought August and Kate closer. I remember when that book was almost finished and something seemed to change, but there was still hope because there was a whole other book, 470 pages, there was time!

Starting Our Dark Duet came with excitement, foolish hope and the dread that readers develop over a few hundred books of experience. But, the blasted hope was there regardless and it was like I never left Verity. This time Kate and August felt like old friends I hadn't seen in quite some time, and it was nice to see them gravitate towards one another again, despite everything, despite the time, despite the world really... But there was no more time... There was no other book... There was just the flipping of the pages and the words running out...

I make a habit of not leaving spoilers on my reviews, it's usually just me getting a particular book off my system anyway, so I'll just say that I feel a lot like August in the end, not sure how to call it all. It didn't feel like a happy ending, too much blood and darkness and melodies that came to an end, but it didn't feel like a sad ending either... There was, after all, hope. Hope that a song stays with you, long after the last cord fades from the air...