A review by labunnywtf
Toddlers Are A**holes: It's Not Your Fault by Bunmi Laditan


A toddler is a cross between a sociopath, a rabid animal, a cocker spaniel, a demon, and an angel. Depending on the time of day and when your toddler's last meal was, you will see all of these sides.

Y'all. I cannot stress enough how much everyone I am friends with needs to read this book.

The mothers. The child free by choicers. The grandmothers. ESPECIALLY the grandmothers.

This is validation. This is warning label. This is "bwa ha ha ha ha I AM SO HAPPY TO NOT HAVE KIDS BRING ON THE MARGARITAS."

This was a couple different things for me, some hard to explain. But oh. Oh, that satisfyingly sweet taste of BWA HA HA HA.

This book has something for everyone. Including recipes such as "Sweet as Life Used to Be" Dessert Nachos and "If you don't stop whining I may start screaming" tonic (just add vodka).

And if you are one of those moms who has never had a problem with her children, and thinks anyone who would refer to their child as an asshole doesn't deserve to have children in the first place?

Oh. Oh, there's things in here for you, too.