A review by boss_beta
Just a Little Bet by Tawna Fenske



I liked this book quite a bit, but I felt it fell short for me in several aspects.
It didn't quite captivate me enough to make me not want to put it down.
It lacked a lot more road trip moments - especially at the end. I've said this a billion times before and I'm sure I'll say it a billion times more - GIVE US THE STUFF *AFTER* THEY GET TOGETHER!!! Seriously though, this is the problem with these books that part of a series ~bUt NOt rEaLly~ is that you're left with so many questions! I wanna know more about Connie and Bud and that whole mess; I wanna see that Oregon - Ohio road trip!; I wanna see Tony meet her parents and her sisters and her million nephews!; what happened with her book???? Like yeah she did the gallery thing but wasn't it the whole point of the road trip to take pictures for her book?
I don't regret reading this book, and I'll for sure read the next one (someday) but I wanted more of these two characters! A lot was left unsaid and open-ended and I'm not a fan...

I used to think long series and fantasies weren't for me, but maybe I do need one of those to be able to have enough of a character... And I do understand that these books can't go on forever, but... Give us a little more! Give us at least a couple of chapters of the characters being together - ACTUALLY TOGETHER, NOT TOGETHER FOR TWO MINUTES FOR DRAMA'S SAKE - before you close out the book.