A review by thehorrordude
Cover by Neal McPheeters, Jack Ketchum


Ketchums novel about a Vietnam vet who returns home suffering from PTSD is an engaging and fast paced thriller/horror story. It follows Lee the vet who returns home from the war and lives in the woods with his dog suffers nightmares and torment from all he did and saw whilst tending to his crop of cannabis plants. We meet a group of highly successful people who go to the woods for a weekend retreat and stumple across Lee and his plants. Lees doesnt see this group as the harmless people they are and is transformed back to Vietnam. The hunting commences.

This was very good, you feel sorry for Lee and also hate him for what occurs in this along with the group on the weekend away who are not just one dimensional as we learn their backgrounds and history as the story progresses. Its violent but not overly so, one chapter about some war crimes committed against a village was pretty hard to read but other than that its an action packed story of cat and mouse where in the end nobody is a winner.