A review by mehsi
There's an Elf in Your Book by Tom Fletcher


Merry Christmas and oh look! There is an elf in your book! What is it doing there?

After finishing another of the There’s a/an insert critter in your book, I decided to see what else was left. And I found out there was one about an elf! Since it is almost Christmas I thought it would be perfect to read around that time. And here I am on 14 December, 11 days to go before Christmas, reading this book! Yes, by the time you are reading this it is second Christmasday in my country, but I am reading this to get even more in the mood for Christmas.

The Elf is here to see if you are nice or naughty! He has a list and he wants you to do all sorts of nice things! But, as the narrator also warns us, elves can be a bit mischievous and so be sure to not get tricked! Oh my! I was definitely curious what would be on the next page and I flipped to it eager to find out if I would be tricked or if I would do all the nice things! The tests are all very delightful and adorable and I loved doing the things the elf asked… well except from a few things because there are a few tricks and I knew right away NOT to do that. But I wonder how many kids would fall for those naughty tricks.