A review by sebastiansbookshelf
Neo Parasyte m by Ryouji Minagawa, Moto Hagio, Riichi Ueshiba, Hiro Mashima, Takayuki Takeya, Yukari Takinami, Moare Ohta, Peach-Pit, Hiroki Endo, Takatoshi Kumakura, Yasushi Nirasawa, Akira Hiramoto


4 stars out of 5

Now…yes. I have read Parasyte, twice in fact. However, I haven’t logged them into my Goodreads account, so that’s why they aren’t on my list (aside from the first full color volume and both Neo Parasyte volumes).

However, as for Neo Parasyte m, while many people aren’t too big on this anthology volume…I enjoyed it quite a bit. Nine out of the twelve stories are really good, with the other three just being ok. Akira Hiramoto’s story in particular made me laugh quite a bit.

If you liked Parasyte, you’d most likely like this anthology. It’s good stuff!

Also, sorry for the short review, but I didn’t want to spoil a lot about Parasyte in this review. So oh well!

-- Sebastian C

01/03/22 Edit: I read Neo Parasyte f the day after finishing this. Since my thoughts are mostly the same with a few more criticism, I won’t be doing a separate review for that. That, and I wanna talk more about Parasyte itself in the future. I hope you understand!