A review by indiepauli47
Nymphomation by Jeff Noon


3.5 stars.
I had no idea this book was part of the same universe as three other books; I wonder if reading the others, or at least the first one, would provide more depth to Nymphomation ?
I weirdly enjoyed it, even if I didn't understand half of it; well, maybe not half, but a good chunk at least.
It was a very bizarre novel and I'm not quite sure what to make of it.
At first, the only reason why I this book arrived in my TBR was because the story takes place in Manchester. How shallow, I know.
But it was good. I think ? I was entertained and wanted to know more, and looking forward to picking it up every time I could.
The only thing bothering me, and it's in no way the author's fault, was that I'm probably too dumb to understand it properly. All the maths and probabilities, and fractions (and curries !) got me lost.
It was good.