A review by jennyseiler
The Inventor's Secret by Andrea Cremer


This was my first venture into the steampunk genre, and I wasn't sure how I would like it. That being said, I love steampunk! (Steampunk being historical fiction with a sci-fi/fantasy/magic elements.) The story is set in a post-American Revoluation world where the British have defeated the Patriots. The main character, Charlotte, is a strong, feisty protagonist, who fights for what she believes in. She, along with her brother Ash, love interest Jack, and additional characters are fighting with the Resistance, a group that wants to end the British rule over the land while also trying to solve the mystery that is the character of Grave - who is he? where did he come from? why can he not remember anything?

All in all a great book, and I know just the students to have read it next!