A review by ameserole
The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot


I was so freaking hesitant to try another series by Meg Cabot.. but I did it guys.

The Boy Next Door was a cute and pretty predictable story. I didn't really care about the characters too much. Mostly because they seem so freaking forgettable. The entire book was written in like an email form - which I have nothing against, it was just so different from what I'm used to.

At first this book seemed like it would be a little amazing to read. Maybe some laughs here and there.. but then it went downhill so fast. I felt like after the half way point I was just skimming (or I wanted to at that point) through the pages because it seemed so freaking slow! The characters were annoying for more than half of the book as well - which is why I mentioned earlier that they were forgettable to me.

Mel and John, the forgettable characters, were boring. I didn't care about their "romance" at all. It just seemed meh to me. They were just so disappointing to read. Mel was completely crazy. I didn't like her one but. Especially when she was pushing people away and yelling at them when all they wanted to do was help her. I have nothing to say about John.. I'm just surprised that I remember he was in it - even after finishing the book.

Overall, it was meh. Not a great opener to this series. Again, it had some funny parts in the first half of the book but then you will get easily annoyed with everything that's happening in this book.