A review by mehsi
Batgirl at Super Hero High by Lisa Yee


The third book, and this time our MC is Batgirl!

Yes, Barbara Gordon who always had a big affinity with bats, technology goes full Batgirl in this one. I really love the girl, how she is smart without rubbing it in others, how she is sweet to her friends, always willing to help them out, how she is brave and will make do without superpowers (which in a world full of superheroes is quite a feat, at least that is what I think), and so many other good qualities that make her a really likeable girl.

The book starts at the precise moment from where we left off in the previous book. We see Supergirl getting chosen for Superhero of the Month, her mentioning Batgirl, and from there the wheels turn. She has to convince her dad that she can go to the school (her biggest wish), and then later has to convince him for many other things.
And the moment when she can go to school I was delighted, it provided a new perspective on the school as Batgirl doesn't have superpowers, she relies on strength, smarts, and on the technology she can build. The other two girls were awesome, don't get me wrong, but they are still superheroes. It was so refreshing to see a new perspective on the school. And also to see how she is handling the all the pressure, and also the various things that were so normal to superheroes.

I did feel like she took on too much, a bit like the other 2 girls before her. I do hope that Katana's book will have less of that. I don't mind that it was added, it gave a bit more depth to the character(s), but since it was also featured in the other books (in different degrees) it just got a bit boring. Come on, why can't this girl see for herself that she just has to say no at times. You aren't going to disappoint your friends, sure, they may be a bit sad that you can't help them, but I am sure they will understand if you explain how much you already have to do and that you are still adjusting.

I loved the focus on Barda, giving her some precious spotlight time that she so deserves. I did feel sorry that she was having such a hard time at school, even though, come on, there are more people in the school that will turn out villains in various timelines through the comic universe. But I am happy to see that people are slowly starting to accept her.

I didn't like Barbara's/Batgirl's dad that much. Yes, I can understand (a bit at least) why he did various things, but really, why couldn't he have seen that he was hurting the person he cared about the most? Why was his answer to her wanting to try new things, wanting to make a new person to ignore her and not talk to her or even visit during important moments? I just found that ridiculous. Giving a kid her space and ignoring her totally are two totally different things. :|

The tech show? It was a nice add, and I was delighted with the outcome, sure, I felt sorry for that kid that lost, but really, you knew this could happen, and it wasn't as if x didn't deserve it.
The quiz elements were quite fun, and the challenges were interesting and really brought out the inner strength of the participants.

Noah, bleh. I don't like that kind of character. I did feel sorry for him, but mostly I was just annoyed at his attitude and how he handled things going wrong.

Of course we have a big showdown at the end, which seems to be a normal feature in these books. I don't mind them, it was quite a fun one this time and really showed how well Batgirl is doing as superhero + how she made friends and how they will help her in times of need. She is a great asset to the group.

Harley however.... I love that girl, she is one of my favourites in the universe, and I also quite liked her in the past books, however, I hated her so so so much in this one. Her total lack of care, her total lack of empathy regarding things? It was just ridiculous how she reacted when something went wrong. I just wanted to shake her left and right. She was so rude and mean.

Phew, this one got quite long, I think I have everything I wanted to post in there. I definitely enjoyed this book, and I can't wait for the next one. Argh, we end with a cliffhanger!

Would definitely recommend this book, and series to everyone.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com