A review by nannyf
A Girl Walks Into a Bar: Your Fantasy, Your Rules by Helena S. Paige


Actual Rating - 3.5 Stars

As a teenager I loved choose your own adventure books. The idea of flipping through the pages, choosing different options and seeing where they took me appealed to me. When I saw the synopsis for this book that same feeling came back and I couldn't wait to get into it.

The choices begin right from the first few pages, and from then on your options come thick and fast.

I can't really say too much about the story because for every person who reads it, the story will be different. Suffice to say it has the ability to become steamy very quickly.

There is only one gripe, and that is reading it on a Kindle just doesn't work. The book tells you to go to certain pages, and on a kindle that means flipping through sometimes lots of page turns to get to where you are going. You can't go straight to the right page. It took the enjoyment out of it for me if I'm honest. I would recommend it as a light hearted read, but get the paperback for it to actually be what it's meant to be.