A review by paradoxically
Exile by Rebecca Lim


Pretty much frustrating all around. Mercy is once again in a new body, Lela, who lives in a tiny world comprised of her dying mother and her dead-end job working as a waitress when she's desperate for something more. Mercy struggles with trying to remember what happened to her, to reconnect with Ryan, and her mysterious past.

What annoyed me, I think, was how fixated Mercy was on talking to Ryan, to the extent that she was rather blinded by her surroundings. She didn't think of trying to make Lela's life better--mostly she was thinking of escape for herself. It's not terrible to be selfish once in a while, but the way she just forged ahead made me unhappy.

Also, the ending was a bit of a kick in the gut. It was almost expected at that point, considering what went on in the book, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a bit of a shock. The book kept my attention, but the plot was a bit weak until the end, where you find out a few more truths and pile on a few more questions. 2 stars.