A review by emmalb1984
No Strings by Cara Lockwood


A very modern love story about the pros and cons of online dating and no string relationships.
Writer Emma is talked into using dating app NOST (short for No Strings) in an attempt get herself back into the dating game. App creator Xavier doesn’t believe in true love and happy ever afters, but, one night with Emma begins to make him wonder if there is life beyond the 48 hour relationship his app promotes.
This being the Dare series, Emma and Xavier naturally fall into bed (and bathrooms and alleyways…), but their chemistry is believable and the two are likeable characters who have an assortment of trust issues based on things that have happened in the past. Indeed, by the last section of the book, you really do root for them to overcome their reluctance and take a chance on their future happiness together.
There is a serious sub plot involving a potentially dangerous user of the app who contacts Emma and essentially seems to be stalking her at points, and it is this incident that prompts Xavier to re-think what he is promoting.
Escapist and easy going, this is an enjoyable summer read.
Thanks to M&B for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.