A review by arushofemotions
The Hand I Fan with by Tina McElroy Ansa


I loved this book so much. It's been sitting on my bookshelf for years. I bought it well over 15 years ago and never read it. Don't know why! But as chance would have it, I feel like I wouldn't have appreciated this story when I was in my 20s. There's something about this book that just speaks to my soul. I can't explain it.

It starts with us getting to know Lena. She's a woman who has sacrificed so much of herself for others. She's "The Hand I Fan With", the woman who everyone can depend on to have their back. Lena's backstory was so intriguing! This author takes the first 20% of the book introducing you to who Lena is, what she went through as a child who carried a stigma with her since birth, and again what she went through as a child who could interact with the paranormal.

There's a lot of superstition woven into this story. And that's where Herman comes in. He's a 100-year-old ghost who comes to Lena after she and her friend perform a drunken seance of sorts. Believe me when I say that Herman was the man that Lena didn't know she needed. He taught her how to love and care for herself. For being so spiritually powerful, Lena was draining her own soul and spirit. His love for Lena was so good, so pure. He saved her.

And...he gave her some good lovin. Herman and Lena's love, their passion, was so perfectly written. Herman could throw it down, and he did so, often. In both spiritual and physical ways, Herman blessed her. They were intimate in human form but often he could switch between loving her as a spirit too. Whew...I can't explain how special those parts, but believe me, they were.

From beginning to end, I loved this book. It was sensual, yet thought-provoking. It gave the romancing loving reader in me that hot-and-heavy goodness I craved, and gave the other side of my brain a strong story to keep my captivated. I couldn't put this book down. It was soul searching, life changing, and will live in my heart forever. Thank you to this author for giving us this book. And many thanks to whatever led me to finally picking it up and reading.