A review by novelgoddess
Black Heart by Christina Henry



Story opens up the Retrievers surrounding the house trying to get to Maddy. Nathaniel opens a portal and shoves her through to escape.

Maddy find herself in some bizarre place where there is nothing edible and the water houses malevolent sprites/spirits. While sleeping in a tree Maddy is shot with an arrow and taken captive by what appear to be fae. While being questioned they, these local creatures, come under attack by the grasshopper looking creatures that Maddy ran across in Chicago before the Vampire attack. Maddy aids the fae and they take out the crickets.

Going back to the questioning, the king tells Maddy of the crickets sudden appearance and subsequent attacks. Maddy wants to go after the crickets convinced that they are "practicing" for an attack on her world. The king doesn't trust Maddy and want her imprisoned. Rather than do that the king's son helps her escape as long as she promises to take out the ALL of the crickets.

On the way to the cricket part of the forest, Maddy encounters, for the second time, the dragon that seems to live in the forest. Maddy feels a strong kinship towards the dragon, but the king's son is fearful...it was in his fear that Maddy discovers it's really Puck and not the king's son. Puck promises to relive Maddy of one of her obligations to him in return for taking out the crickets. She does.

After killing the crickets Maddy discovers that the dragon is really Puck's, Alerian's and Lucifer's elder brother! Which is why Puck was so fearful...he's intimidated by Daharan. Uncle D offers Maddy some food and rest before he offers to deliver her to the obscure little island where the only portal remains.

Once at the portal, Daharan explains that this portal goes through to the land of the dead and from there they will go to another portal that will deliver her home. While in the land of the dead Uncle D allows for Maddy to spend time with Gabriel. Uncle D felt sorry for how Gabriel was ripped away from and how soon it happened after they had found each other.

They finally find the portal back home and arrive to discover her house was destroyed and 3 months have passed. Beezle find her and Uncle D and explains what happened during the time she was gone and that is that the agency falsified records to show Maddy was dead so her friends have been in mourning.

Once everyone is situated at JB's the building is blown up and Nataniel's brother is abducted. When they discover where Bendith is and show up to rescue him that building blows up, but Maddy was able to throw shield up to protect her, JB and Nathaniel, but Bendith dies. And Bendith's Mommy Titania is going to be gunning for Maddy since she's been framed for the job.

Titania meets up the Maddy over the middle of Lake Michigan and Maddy tries to reason with her but Titania will have nothing to do with it. So in a battle to the death, Maddy taps into all of Lucifer's power and ends up shoving Titania through a portal onto a desolate, far removed, little planet that can take the magical blow back that will occur with Titania's death.

Maddy starts home only to be met by 3 Agency agents...who insist she goes with them or they will call in the Retrievers. Knowing full well the power at her disposal she tells them to bring on the retrievers. 3 show up only to be tamed and removed from bondage by Maddy. She names her new little pets Lock, Stock, and Barrel and takes them home with her.

When she stops what what used to be the smoking crevase that was her home she sees it's been fully restored by Uncle D. He is the one that says magic can create as well as destroy. Uncle D has been able to ferret out what was really going on. And it turns out Puck was behind the whole thing because he was bound to Titania...the only way to be released from her servitude was for Titania to die, which he manipulated and tricked Maddy into doing. Needless to say she was PISSED and since Puck had made a point of imprinting his magic onto her while they were tracking the crickets, she couldn't kill him like she wished to.