A review by mazer_nickham
Tricked by Alex Robinson


The best graphic novel I've read in a while, enough so that it became a Christmas gift or two. Much like Blankets, Tricked is a charming black and white look into the lives of young people. It features six protagonists whose stories all eventually intertwine. Admittedly, the characters are a bit tough to swallow (the washed up rock star, the schizo IT guy) but I didn't find that it detracted from the story.

Interesting things keep happening to these characters and it made me want to devour the entire 350+ page book in a day. The fifty chapters count down to what many reviewers call inevitable doom, but I didn't see it that way. The book ends with an infinity symbol and the alternate cover of this book is a cassette tape. Is the message something as cliche as life goes on, barring any circumstances, whether caused by romantic relationships, one-sided obsessive relationships, or relationships that are bad for all parties involved? When I say it this way, it makes Tricked sound highly derivative and shallow, but trust me on this one, the story and characters are compulsively readable and fascinating.

I'm the author of a graphic novel blog; for more information on graphic novels including reviews, news and other insights, visit ALD Graphic Novels.