A review by librariandest
Satch & Me by Dan Gutman


My book club kids liked this. It deals in wish fulfillment and easy answers instead of reality, so it's a light, fun read (despite one very heavy topic, which I'll get into later). You don't need to be a big baseball fan to follow these books, so that's a plus. We had one of our best book club activities ever, in which I stacked a bunch of paper cups and let the kids throw beanbags at them to try to knock them down. Can you throw hard with accuracy like Satchel Paige? Most could not, but it was fun throwing stuff and knocking stuff down in the library.

Now, to get real with you, I can't give this more than two stars because I cringed a few times at the way racism is handled in this book. At one point Stosh is at a Negro League game, notices that the crowd is mostly black and then think this puts him in the "minority group" for once. And then he says something to the effect of now he knows how black people feel.
