A review by christajls
Barking Mad: A Reginald Spiffington Mystery by Jamieson Ridenhour, Ali LaRock, The Firecracker Press


Originally reviewed at Hooked on Books

When I signed up for the blog tour for this book I wasn't 100% what I was getting myself in to. I knew that it was a paranormal novel (the main character is a werewolf after all) and I knew there was a murder mystery. I did not know that this novel was the combination of two of my favourite genres – the paranormal novel and the cozy mystery. I would have never thought to put these two together but Jamieson Ridenhour makes it work.

The mystery in this novella was well crafted. One of the main ways I judge the quality of a mystery novel is by how predictable it is. While reading Barking Mad I was continuously trying to guess who the murder was. It seemed like I had a new guess every other pages. It wasn't until right near the end that I had a clear idea of what had happened. That's what I call a good mystery!

In addition to the mystery Ridenhour has created an amazing cast of character. They're all so detailed and unique. They all have such strong personalities that you can't help but get to know them incredibly well. I especially loved Reggie and Pelham. Their chemistry is perfect! More than once the dialogue between them made me laugh out loud.

Jamieson Ridenhour has written a story that is intelligent and witty. He's written prose in a distinct style, that reminds me of Alan Bradley and thrown in some werewolves for good measure. It was a short book but everything you could want is there – humour, mystery, interesting twists, great dialogue. I wouldn't have added or changed a thing.