A review by jennifermreads
The Fall of Innocence by Jenny Torres Sanchez


Actual rating 3.5 stars
Received advanced reader copy from publisher via Baker & Taylor book supplier

Eight years ago, Emilia survived a violent assault. She has forced the memories into a dark corner of her mind and tried to forget the face of Jeremy Lance, the young boy who was responsible and caused her so much pain. But when a discovery about her attacker’s identity is brought forward, the memories Emilia has so carefully packed away begin to resurface and Emilia struggles to come to terms with the new truths.

Initially, I had trouble with the writing style. But I eventually settled in and grew more at ease with the words. The story bounces back to Emilia’s memories of the initial assault and forward to “modern day.” Note: the story is set in 1994-1995. The format gives readers a peek inside Emilia’s mind, a picture of what it is that she recalls from the horrific event while also showing how she and her family are coping on a day-to-day basis even eight years later.

What at first appears to be a family as healed as it could be following a violent event is revealed to be a family troubled and torn. BE WARNED: This is a dark story with what could potentially be many triggers for anyone who has experiences assault of any kind. The conclusion
Spoileris not pretty and it is not neat. Emilia commits suicide. While the imagery of her with the birds is indeed beautiful and peaceful, the realization that she flew from the window is anything but.

This is like reading or watching a tragic news story unfold. It is difficult to watch or read yet you find you cannot look away or stop until you reach the end. It is haunting, it is tragic, it has a beauty of its own.