A review by kelleemoye
The 9/11 Report by Sid Jacobson


I am a pretty educated human being, or at least I try to be, but I remember that when 9/11 happened (I was a sophomore in college), I was completely shocked by what had happened. I cried and I saw many others cry in the days and weeks following this tragedy. And we are in Orlando, FL not being directly affected by the death and destruction. However, I think all Americans felt threatened by the attack that was so blatantly made to just kill and scare. And it worked.

Lots of questions were asked after the attack and as I tried to keep up with the news, between the impending war and the facts leading up to the attack, I was confused and conflicted. I don't think this confusion has ever subsided and I find myself crying whenever I read, watch or hear about 9/11 in any sort of depth. Many of the questions were answered in the 9/11 Report that was written by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, but at a lengthy 571 pages it was only through the media that many of us received any information. The problem is, that in our day and age, all media is bias in some respect. Every single outlet had to pick and choose what they were going to report out of this tremendously large book of findings. This meant that for many years a large majority of the public did not adequately understand the 9/11 Report. Hence the beauty of this graphic novel.

Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon's graphic adaptation of the Final 9/11 Report takes all of this information, condenses it (but doesn't seem to eliminate) and lays it all out for us to see/read. It is endorsed by the 9/11 Commission and finally allows the 9/11 report to be shared with a much wider audience.