A review by knfitzpa
House of Lies: How Management Consultants Steal Your Watch and Then Tell You the Time by Martin Kihn


Working for one of the firms mentioned in this book (though not myself a consultant), I was really expecting to spend a lot of time smirking and laughing at how true it was. And sure, I did some of that, but what I ended up doing more of was missing the energy of the tv show that's based upon it.

I mean, look: I know it's not fair to compare a pay-TV show to a nonfiction book. But this is management consulting! What other profession could possibly share stories so crazy, you'd swear they couldn't possibly be true? And yet I feel like the real Marty Kihn ends his story where it gets the most interesting. And because it's a nonfiction book and not a TV show, I won't know what happens next unless he writes a sequel: is he still consulting? Where did his next engagement find him (in the hierarchy especially)? What happens next?!