A review by chapman
Geek Nation: How Indian Science Is Taking Over the World by Angela Saini


This is an exciting exploration through both the history of Indian science, it's present and it's possible futures. There are so many interesting and innovative ideas here that are inspiring to read about. I must say I also very much love the way that one of science main purposes is to help the poorest people in their everyday lives. Creating the automated bill payment stations to help cut out the corruption and bribery. Making communication systems more available, to bring healthcare, food and education to more people.

The feel that it should be for the public good and not for the profit making potential of businesses is refreshing and to me feels like what the true heart of science and discovery and innovation should be. I am very glad that the concept of trying to patent every molecule is not part of the mindset and I think western science is lesser for having so much of that.

It's clear how so many of the huge drug companies are simply not interested in curing illnesses that don't affect rich countries and people. There were parts of science and technology I am not generally as interested in which I found engaging and interesting to learn more about.

Angela Saini is an excellent and engaging writer and after first finding her work through Inferior, I'm very glad I went back to this earlier book too. There are many parts of it I would be interested to follow up on 8 years later and see what has happened. I am already looking forward to reading her next book Superior. A great science writer for anyone with even a passing interest in the vast world of science and understanding.